Average Pages per Visit – You can also use Google Analytics to determine the number of pages your visitors view during their visits. This information can help you understand if your navigation and internal linking strategies are working, as these features typically encourage visitors to stay on your site longer and peruse more content.
Category: Google Analytics
What is Average Visit Duration?
Average Visit Duration – The average visit duration reported by Google Analytics helps you understand how long visitors spend viewing your site. The more time they spend on your site, the more engaged they are with your brand.
What are Demographics?
Demographics – Google Analytics provides information on where your visitors live – down to the city they live in and the language they speak. You can also use this information to understand how many of your visitors are first-time visitors versus how many return to your site repeatedly.
What are Referral Sources?
Referral Sources – This tool provides information regarding how visitors got to your site. Visitors can arrive on your site by entering your URL directly into their browser, through a search engine or through a referral from a third-party site that’s linking back to yours. Google Analytics breaks this information down so that you can […]
What are Unique Visitors?
Unique Visitors – A unique visitor is counted once, no matter how many pages are viewed. Understanding how many unique visitors you have is important as it indicates what type of reach you have in terms of actual people reading your site’s content.
What are Pageviews?
Pageviews – Pageviews is the total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are counted. This means that if a visitor comes to your site and visits six separate pages, that visitor will increase your total page views by six. A site with higher page views has more opportunity to convert more visitors into […]
What are l.facebook.com and lm.facebook.com Referral Sites?
l.facebook.com occurs when someone clicks a shared link or post from facebook.com (on desktop or when on desktop mode using a device such as a tablet or even mobile occasionally. For example: Windows products allow the user to use desktop version rather than the Facebook mobile application. lm.facebook.com occurs when someone clicks a shared link […]
What is Bounce Rate?
Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics: A service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website’s traffic, traffic sources, and measures conversions and sales. Source
New vs. Returning Users
New user: Is a user that has not visited your website within a given date range. Returning user: Is a user that has already visited your website at least once within a given date range. Source