Geographic modifier: a Geographic modifier, or “geo tag”, is a location-specific keyword (part of a long-tail keyword) that communicates the local intent of a search query. Local search results are typically derived from keywords with geographic modifiers. Example of keyword with geographic modifier (the modifier is bolded): BBQ Restaurants in St. Louis, MO
Monthly Archives: May 2013
What Are Local Search Results?
Local Search Results: results within organic search results that are relevant to the search query based upon location. Google derives these results from keyword geographic modifiers* and/or IP address. The local search result examples below are highlighted in green. Google Bing
What is Cost Per Click?
Cost Per Click: the amount paid by an advertiser for a click on their sponsored search listing.
What are Paid Search Results?
Pay Per Click Results: in major search engines, the paid search results are typically above (in a set of 3) and to the right of organic search results. The results above organic search are usually against a colored background (Google: latte, or Bing: light green). In the examples below, we have highlighted the pay per […]
What are Organic Search Results?
Organic Search Results: the ‘natural’ search results that appear in a separate section (usually the main body of the page) to the paid listings. The results listed here have not been paid for and are ranked by the search engine (using spiders or algorithms) according to relevancy to the term searched upon. The organic search […]
What is a Long-Tail Keyword?
Long-tail Keyword: a keyword phrase that is typically 2 or more words in length. Ideally, targeted keywords for SEO and PPC should be long-tail in nature. Long-tail keywords communicate searcher intent more so than short-tail keywords (keywords that are 2 or less words in length). This means that the searcher’s purpose is clearly identified. Example […]
What is Fluctuation?
Fluctuation: refers to keyword rankings and the positive and negative movement involved during every campaign. Elements that cause fluctuation in search rankings are competition, search engine updates, local changes, and more.