Within WordPress, posts are the entries that display in reverse chronological order on your home page. In contrast to pages, posts usually have comments fields beneath them and are included in your site’s RSS feed.
To create a post, first log in to WordPress. Then, either click on the “Posts” tab at the top left or hover over it and select “Add New.” (By default, “posts” should automatically go to the blog portion of your website. If this is not the case, you can change that by following these instructions.)
Now that you’re on the Add New Post page, you can start writing your blog post. Type your title and text in the appropriate boxes (make sure the “Visual” tab is selected). From here you can format the text as you like (just like in Microsoft Word).
You can save the post as a draft, or when you’re done, click the blue “Publish” button on the right. You can edit a published post at any time—instead of “Publish,” the blue button will say “Update.”
Now there are many more options. Using the boxes on the right, you can create tags and categories if you like. You can also use the WordPress SEO tool below the text box to control how the post will show up in a search engine.
Here’s some much more detailed information from WordPress: http://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_Posts
Alternatively, Clix will add your blog posts for you upon request!