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Google To Roll Out New Health Feature

By February 23, 2015 January 19th, 2020 News

Recently Google began tuning into its search application to better answer users questions regarding the medical/health industry. From the common cold to a broken ankle, Google’s goal is to help answer your questions more efficiently.

It has been announced the Knowledge Graph will host the information and will be able to populate results for each topic directly without having to click on an actual link.

Google will show information such as common symptoms, whether or not it’s contagious, and more. Prem Ramaswami, product manager for Google’s search said, “Once you get the basic info from Google, you should find it easier to do more research on other sites around the web, or know what questions to ask your doctor.”

It’s important to remember that the purpose of this new feature is not to provide you with medical advice. Its intent is to pass along the basic information about common conditions.

For more information about the new health feature check out Google’s blog: A remedy for your health-related questions: health info in the Knowledge Graph


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