Last week, Mark Zuckerberg unveiled his plans to completely overhaul Facebook and the world of social media. On October 4th, Apple plans to introduce the brand new iphone 5 (assuming many of you didn’t hear Al Gore’s premature introduction at the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit).
However, huge tech service and tech product introductions like these mean absolutely nothing in today’s world without integration. For example, Facebook will combine forces with Spotify in order to create an arena for two social environments (music and verbal). Users will be able to play their favorite music for friends to hear. While the audio is streaming, users and their friends can go back and forth with each other, sharing their opinions about one another’s music choices.
As for the iphone 5, according to an article on entitled, “What We’re Expecting from the iphone 5”, the author notes that this new mobile device should be faster, look different, utilize 4G, and mostly likely integrate voice recognition more so than the iphone 4 did.
All of this talk about integration has really gotten me to thinking about integration in terms of business. How will businesses be affected by the relentless evolution within tech services and tech products?
An article on highlights this very thought – “How will Facebook Timeline affect your business?” At the f8 conference, various business owners and managers were asked their thoughts on business integration with Timeline.
Scott Kleper, co-founder of Context Optional, believes that Timeline will create an “ongoing presence” for businesses on Facebook rather than just snapshots of what they’re doing from time to time.
Other business owners like Kevin Tunc, the product manager of Tigerlily, plans on “integrating” their application with Timeline.
Either good or bad, Timeline will log the life of a business. This means that good publicity, bad publicity, new products, dead products, innovative services, and really, really bad ideas will be logged if businesses wish so.
We are now experiencing the stages that are actually combining SEO with social media. Social will drive the answers to our questions. And, for the most part social environments such as Facebook and Twitter have replaced large news networks like CNN and Fox News as the primary news sources for the majority of our generation.
One day, we will have real, live people and friends who are directly involved in our Google, Bing and Yahoo search results – completely personalized search.