google disavow – Clix Internet Marketing Fuel Wed, 17 Oct 2012 03:09:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 google disavow – Clix 32 32 Disavow Your Links Wed, 17 Oct 2012 03:09:50 +0000 We knew it was only a matter of time before Google took...

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We knew it was only a matter of time before Google took a stab at their own version of disavowing links. How many people have been whining, begging and crying for such a tool? Whether it was on purpose or not, many companies have been negatively affected online by poor backlink profiles. Of course, certain circumstances warrant punishment in Google, but some not so much…


Let’s say for instance that company A has heard that their competitor, Company B, has begun marketing their site online via this strategy called search engine optimization. Woah! Search engine optimy-what!? The fact of the matter is, is that SEO has been around a while now (more than a decade). The industry has grown, shifted, adapted and changed with Google in order to make ends meet. However, many small and medium-sized businesses still don’t know the value that SEO brings to the table, especially when they have terrific products and services!

In this case Company A, in response to Company B’s SEO onslaught, has hired a third-party to do their SEO because they know their services are better. Unfortunately, this third-party is about doing things the wrong way. The contractor outsources their link building to the Philippines and next thing you know you have 5,000 exact match backlinks for “exercise widget A”. The rankings soar, but unfortunately this is only a short-term solution.

Over time, Google updated their algorithm to address SERP quality and Company A’s rankings began to fall drastically and subsequently their sales. The moral of this online marketing parable is this: don’t trust gimmicks. Trust experience, methodology and research. Online marketing isn’t a matter of go, go, go. Rankings aren’t supposed to be manipulated. Instead, they’re supposed to be relevant.

This disavow backlink tool does just that for companies like Company A who have unknowingly been abused. It gives them a chance to work towards removing unnatural links without having to deal with a dysfunctional webmaster half way across the world.

This reason alone is what makes me excited about this tool. I hope that over time, it becomes even more refined, focused and foolproof.

But, without further adieu, here is Matt Cutts’ video on how to use the new Google disavow backlink tool… Enjoy!

The post Disavow Your Links appeared first on Clix.

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