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Working at a St. Louis-based digital marketing agency  and spending all day on the internet has taught me a lot of things… Most of them good.

For example, never let good data go to waste.

Wufoo forms allow us (digital marketers) to gather, analyze, and recall data that is lost or never recorded with traditional email systems. Implementing a web based form submission software is an easy and extremely effective way to gather data, stay informed, and make better marketing or advertising decisions.

Here are 5 reasons why Wufoo forms should become a part of your digital marketing campaign.

1. Wufoo is easy to navigate

Wufoo has a easy-to-navigate dashboard with easy-to-find options.

easy to use wufoo forms digital marketing
A closer look:

easy to use wufoo forms digital marketing

2. Wufoo forms will integrate smoothly with your website

Wufoo forms can be placed nearly anywhere. They can be their own webpage. LIKE THIS FORM.

Wufoo forms can also be seamlessly embedded into a webpage like this one:

embeded wufoo form

Also, if you know what you’re doing, you can even customize the look of the form by manipulating the HTML Wufoo generates after creating the form.

3. Wufoo forms have customizable notifications and forwarding options

Wufoo allows the administrator to create custom notifications and receive those notifications through multiple avenues. For example, you might receive an email notification like this:

From: Nylon Socks PPC Landing Page
To: yourmail@email.com
Subject: {First Name} {Last Name} has a question about nylon socks

Also, these notifications can be sent to an unlimited number of people. So if you’re a business owner just trying to stay in the know, you can easily receive a copy of your lead submissions or customer satisfaction survey results.

wufoo noticication settings lead forms

4.Wufoo has automatic database entry

Email inboxes are not the only place a form submission’s information is sent. Each Wufoo Form automatically generates its own database!!! Let me say that again. With no extra effort, each form automatically links itself to a database! This information can then be used, stretched, pulled, and manipulated to give you all kinds of cool numbers.

wufoo database entries marketing data

5. Wufoo forms are quick, easy, and customizable 

You can build a form, customize that form, and have the automatic database entry set up in less than 5 minutes. Wufoo uses a great drag-and-drop setup that allows administrators to build forms while previewing the finished product.

wufoo form field settings display

Users can also add captchas, disclaimers, make certain fields required, and even give custom labels to every field just by clicking around.

This form has a legal disclaimer tucked in nicely at the bottom:

wufoo forms with disclaimers and options
Digital marketing is all about making educated decisions. Applications like Wufoo help people advertising or marketing online gather relevant data to help make better decisions.

For more Online Marketing and SEO software info check here.

The post Advantages to Using Wufoo Forms appeared first on Clix.

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