Traditional marketing strategists often viewed marketing as a one way street. The company had a service to offer its clients that they needed to know about. However, social media don’t foster these types of relationships. People use social media to interact and dialogue.So how can you translate these traditional marketing practices for effective social media? Well, start by following these three steps: 1. Interact with people directly
Sure, your followers might be interested in an event or promotion you are doing, but don’t limit yourself. Social media offer a world of opportunities for interacting with the people who pay your bills. Give them a voice.So how do you find them? Ask!Invite your followers to give feedback. Not sure where to have your company party? Ask your followers. Planning a new event? Find out what your followers think.These simple interactions make your customers feel important and needed, but best of all for you, it makes them feel connected to your brand.
2. Reward your biggest fans:
Social media rely on the network. In order for you to make an influence, you must be connected to influencers.The real way you will grow through social media is when your fans share your information. Call them out! Let them know you appreciate them!If a fan mentions you in a tweet, give them a quick thank you tweet. If somebody shares a post of yours on facebook, write a quick thank you on their wall.3. Humanize your company :
Something funny happen in the office? Share it with your followers. Hire a new employee? Welcome them by introducing them to your followers. Somebody in the office celebrating a birthday, anniversary, new baby, etc.? Congratulate them with social media.People are used to interacting with people on social media, not brands. You don’t need to share every detail, but show your followers that you’re real people.So what are you doing to turn your social media into a conversation? We’d love to hear it!