
2,000 Down and Counting

So if you haven’t heard by now, Yahoo is still free-falling to its doom. This downward spiral has reached a new height although as Yahoo executes upon a massive 2,000 employee layoff in order to cut costs, all while defending itself from a counter lawsuit courtesy of Facebook. Profits have declined year-to-year and the end seems to be in sight for this once-popular search company.

For a long time now, Google has retained its position as the search engine giant, owning 66 percent of the search engine market (according to, but at one point Yahoo was a search leviathan as well – remember those old commercials that monopolized your Zenith television? Today, the unfortunate reality for Yahoo is that Google is king and Bing is cannibalizing their share of the market.

While Yahoo has been trying to figure out how to salvage their future and delay the inevitable, Google has been making a myriad of changes to their search algorithm over the past couple of months. In February, Google made 40 changes, including a panda update. In March, Google made 50 additional tweaks to their algorithm including another panda update in order to refresh their system.

Google’s Changes in February

Google’s Changine in March

If you read through all of those, you would have come to one conclusion – “gee whiz!” Google is making a ton of updates each month, many of which I have no clue how they will affect my site! Well, did you happen to notice that the word “fresh” was referred to 13 times within those two lists? In the past, Google hasn’t done a terrific job of achieving their goal of fresh, quality content. But, at some point you would imagine they’ll get it right. When they do, what happens to St. Louis SEO companies? What do they become? Will search engine optimization ever become irrelevant? Will PPC become even more important?

Questions like this are hard to answer, but they are important nonetheless. All-in-all, taking the time to adapt to tech trends, search engines and upcoming online resources will separate basic SEO firms from successful full-service internet marketing firms like Clix.

“Adapt or die”…just ask Yahoo.