If you are an online marketer, then chances are you’ve either seen or created an infographic at some point. Infographics are essentially visual representations of information, and there are some spectacular ones out there. Infographics have become extremely popular among digital marketers during the past year, and there many businesses utilizing them as a part of their inclusive online marketing strategy.
Why are infographics such a “hit” for digital marketers, and in what ways are they being used? Infographics can draw a significant amount of traffic to your website, potentially creating more sales for your business. Infographics are attractive pieces of content for you and others who publish them on their sites and blogs.
Most infogaphics have embeddable HTML code located directly below them, allowing others to share with ease (and giving you a backlink to your site). All one has to do is copy and paste the HTML code to their site and they’re good to go. The HTML code uses link syntax so that when the infographic is clicked, it takes users to the original creator’s site.
One of the fundamental focuses of SEO is constructing inbound links that point to the website which you are optimizing. Because infographics exhibit information in a pleasant and easy-to-read way, they will, in conjecture, result in tons of inbound links pointing to your website the more they are shared. The key to getting an infographic shared is to create one of quality that will catch the eye of the reader. If you aren’t proficient with Adobe Photoshop, nor a good graphic designer, I recommend hiring a professional who is.
Here’s an infographic about infographics:
*Click infographic for source and embed code*