
The Problem with Twitter is, Who Really Cares?

As research surfaced yesterday, Twitter’s stock price sank.

The real issue at hand for Twitter and marketers all over the world is how to connect with the ‘average user’ on Twitter, but who is the average user?

As research would suggest, the average user is one that does not feel compelled to create an online persona and gain followers, but is happy to passively glean information from television and the Internet.  They do not want to actively pursue information, but would rather it come directly to them.  They have no desire to join the national or even international conversation and are completely happy not saying anything at all.

This average user tends to lean more towards Facebook because everything that they could ever want is already built into the psychology of the platform.  The information is all right there and all the user has to do is add his or her friend to their list or accept a request.  As a result, the connections on Facebook tend to be stronger than those on Twitter.  On Facebook, the people have at one point or another probably actually known the person, but on Twitter, followers have potentially never spoken before.  Twitter creates a network of connections that have no foundation and in the process dilute the personal aspect of social media.

This has created a very large problem for Twitter, but their top minds are working to assuage it.  Multiple solutions have been suggested and one has been especially helpful.  Twitter has implemented the option to import contacts from cellular devices and suggest people that are already in the users’ phone books.  This is helping bridge the disconnect between users and their lack of personal connections.  Also, push notifications are available to help link users to the online conversation without them having to discover it on their own.

Twitter is focusing on ease of use and hoping that by simplifying the process, users will be drawn to the platform in in droves like that of Facebook.  Only time will tell if Twitter will be able to enjoy the success of Facebook, but for now they’re clearly working on it.