
Mobile PPC Is Here To Stay

This is “The Year of Mobile” – the popular phrase used by Google and Yahoo reps over the past few years to turn the focus (& media dollars) towards mobile advertising. It is safe to say that the ramp up period for mobile is behind us as mobile is now an established component of every PPC campaign (or should be).

New studies are coming out weekly which project the growing rise of mobile search traffic over the coming years. Marin Software is forecasting that by the end of 2015, mobile devices will account for 50% of Google PPC clicks. Kenshoo recently released Q2 2014 data showing an increase in mobile device spend and clicks globally year over year.

The key takeaway: mobile device traffic is continuing to rise and advertisers need to implement a mobile strategy in order to capitalize on mobile traffic opportunities.

As PPC strategists still work to best optimize for mobile given the limited controls available, here are some best practices to employ when considering your mobile strategy:

For more mobile tips & tricks, see this helpful article.