
Robin Williams will be missed

With a heavy heart and fond memories of Mr. Williams on the silver screen, we are sad to see him pass.  Your movies and shows had an impact on every member at Clix.  He left behind an extensive portfolio of movies, TV shows, stand up comedy, charity events, and a barrage of enjoyably energetic  interviews.  This sad tragedy sparked a conversation of our favorite Robin Williams movies.


While Mr. Williams personality & performances will be missed, we find comfort in having him immortalized on DVD, download, or streaming services.  Godspeed sir.

Now we leave you with 5 Robin Williams quotes…

  1. “You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
  2. “Most of all, I want to thank my father, up there, the man who when I said I wanted to be an actor, he said, ‘Wonderful. Just have a back-up profession like welding'”
  3. “Never fight with an ugly person, they’ve got nothing to lose.”
  4. “Comedy is acting out optimism.”
  5. “When in doubt, go for the d*ck joke.”