
ARRRR ye ready? It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a day popularized by a Cleveland Radio Host in 2002.

To be celebrating this momentous day, I present to ye, me favorrrrrrite pirates in a movie.  Arrrrrr.

5. Ice Pirates

It’s corny, sometimes witty, totally 80’s, and a film I remember watching as a young child.

4. Master & Commander

While not exactly a pirate movie, I enjoyed it’s vintage naval action.  Plus it has Duncan McLeoud in a role as a dead French captain.

3. Princess Bride

As inconceivable as it sounds, people often forget that Westley, our protagonist is the Dread Pirate Roberts.  This is a classic!

2. Hook

R.I.P. Mr Williams.  His performance was unforgettable.

1. Goonies

It’s funny, has whimsical music, treasure, Italian gangsters, slick shoes, and anything else a child(or adult) may love in a movie.  Goonies will be a classic for all years, because “down here it’s our time.”

OH, and sit bloody down Johnny Depp- no one be talkin’ to ye.


What are some of your favorite movies, Ye scurvy dog?