
What is WebM?

WebM as a video file extension has received little attention, but recently if you have taken a deeper look into what video extensions your website supports you might have noticed a trend. Now instead of only supporting mp4, the themes and players are utilizing WebM. WebM is the new open standard for compressed video content. This extension was pioneered by Google in May of 2010 and was created to make video content leaner.

With the explosion of mobile usage developers had to scale back and develop a video format that could handle the limitations of mobile and WebM is making great strides to do so.  Additionally, the streamlined nature of WebM files has an added benefit for those who use Internet Explorer.  Due to the fact the files are smaller it offers IE (Internet Explorer) the ability to continue to play the same content that browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox can easily play as an MP4.

As always, the internet is being built faster and faster and this format will only lead to better load times, without having to sacrifice quality content.