2017 will bring about more changes than any year before and with it comes the rise of something that many online marketers may have lost sight of in paid media: creativity.
There will be new ad formats, new advertising platforms, new targeting demographics and options, new competitors, new conversion and audience tracking, and new ad extensions. That sounds great, but who knows how to use all of these new options effectively? In the information age, the most informed will reap the biggest benefits. If you’re standing still or doing what you did last year, you’re going to be left behind. And if you’re not advertising online already, then what the hell are you doing?!
With that said, here are the top 5 PPC trends of 2017:
1. New Targeting Options Change The Game
Face it: Google and Facebook probably know you better than you know yourself. There is an endless amount of private data about everyone, but how can advertisers use that to their advantage?
Google only recently released demographic targeting for search ads, which already proved to be successful and effective.
Letting search advertisers target by demographic was just a small glimpse into the collective knowledge that Google holds so close to the chest. In 2017, look for Google to give advertisers a bigger peek into what they know about users.
For Google to compete with Facebook, it will have to let advertisers in on more than just user demographics (age & gender). Look for Google and Facebook to allow even more precise targeting.
Hopefully hyper-targeted ads won’t scare away too many users, but things might get awkward if Google and Facebook start to reveal how much they know about you.
Think “I Know What You Did Last Summer” was just a movie? Think again.
2. Video. Video. Video.
Advertisers who aren’t utilizing online videos in their advertisements are living in the past. Video is basically mandatory at this point. Users visit your site to learn more, and what is the quickest way to do that? Video!
No one has time to read articles. I’m surprised you even made it this far! If you don’t have videos on your website or advertisements, you need to get on that, like, yesterday. Potential customers feel much more comfortable making purchases when they have a clear view of you, your company, and the benefits that you offer.
Advertisers can show videos to highly-targeted potential customers for a fraction of the price of TV advertising. Many companies are already taking advantage of this. Are you? Look for videos to become an even bigger part of the overall online marketing strategy.
3. Waterproof Tracking
Can you tell me where every single one of your online leads came from? Probably not. There are most likely holes or blind spots in your tracking. Change that in 2017.
This year, advertisers will be looking to close any gaps in their tracking to make sure everything is absolutely “waterproof.” The ability to analyze leads and where they came from is absolutely crucial in 2017.
How do you know what your ROI is if you don’t even know where sales came from? Was that sale from Facebook? Google? Organic search? How can you optimize towards high-performing platforms when you can’t tell which one is doing better?
Look for advertisers to segment their traffic in extreme detail. Make sure that you are not missing any important pieces of the puzzle. At Clix we make sure that our tracking is up-to-date and accurate so that we can make informed decisions.
If your tracking is lacking, your campaign will be slacking.
4. Less Money, Mo’ Problems (a.k.a. Competition)
If you thought everyone was already advertising online, think again. There are still tons of companies who underutilize or do not utilize internet advertising at all. Look for them to join the (already crowded) party in 2017.
With the influx of advertisers, Google and Facebook will become even more cost-prohibitive. Advertisers will need bigger budgets to compete when every business owner realizes that internet advertising is a necessity, not an option.
(Side note: if you aren’t advertising on Facebook, you need to be!)
Competition will be increasingly fierce, so it will be imperative to have a plan and a backup plan (or two). If you’re afraid or confused, find someone knowledgeable like the paid media team we have at Clix to help you navigate the rough online seas.
Gone are the days when the intern is running the online ads. The online advertising landscape is unforgiving, and don’t underestimate the competition – they probably know what they’re doing!
Many advertisers may be flushing money down the drain with terrible ads or targeting, but count on that as the exception rather than the rule. It’s time to take charge and work with someone who is adept at advertising online, so if you have questions, you can always talk to us!
5. Creativity!
Yay! It’s back! Or did it ever leave?
With all of the new targeting options and platforms, it will be those advertisers who are creative and adaptable that will make the most of it.
Quickness is a requirement. You’ll fall behind if you wait a year to implement new strategies or take advantage of new targeting options.
If you aren’t constantly testing new ads and ad formats, then you need to be. Don’t be afraid to try something new. It is often the advertisers that start the soonest that get the best results.
It is up to you to investigate and see how you can improve your campaigns with new tactics. It could mean the difference between receiving 10 leads or 1 lead. Knowledge is power!
Internet advertising is not exclusive anymore. Everyone is doing it. The defining factor will be whether or not you use all of the available options, or if you’re smarter than the advertiser next door.
Look for brainpower, creativity, and adaptation to become the most sought-after qualities when looking for someone to handle online campaigns.
In 2017, it may be necessary to hire a professional to run your online ad campaigns. The ever-increasing complexity of the online landscape can be overwhelming for anyone starting out. However, you’re not alone. Take a deep breath. We’re here to help, so feel free to contact us!